Ice-creams are a go-to for every after supper requirement. We all look forward to having something sweet whether hot or cold yet delicious and appetizing. Now there has come a whole new variety of ice-creams known as ice-cream sandwich which is a good alternative to our daily saccharine craving. Look no further but to your kitchen products to make this trendy at your own home. I am sharing with you a healthier version, along with a few recommendations. Whatever suits you, take it along. Also read:- Smile your worries away: Know how 1) Cut out on the milk products You can swap the dairy products with a still-creamier nut alternative. You can choose cashew milk options which have relatively fewer calories, sugar, cholesterol, fat in comparison to its milk infused contemporaries. Or you can go for coconut milk ice-cream which has the same properties as that of dark chocolate and provides us with antioxidants. Or you can look for almond and soymilk ice-cr...
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